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11 Carry-On Essentials You Won’t Want To Forget To Pack

How often have you gotten to the airport and realize that you’ve forgotten to pack that one important thing? Or gotten onto your flight and realized that you left something important in your checked bag? For me, it’s too many to count, so I’ve compiled a list of carry-on essentials that I keep on hand whenever I travel. This list will come in handy whether you’re checking a bag or whether you’re team “carry-on only”. Feel free to take notes!

1. First Aid Kit

Whether you buy a ready-made kit or assemble your own, first-aid kits are carry-on essentials! It can come in really handy when you least expect it! For ready-made kits, I’d recommend looking into Welly First Aid or this kit on Amazon. It’s important to remember to take out any liquids from the first-aid kit and keep them in your “Liquids” bag for airport security. They will count towards your liquid allowance, so you’ll need to pack them accordingly. If you’d prefer to put a kit together yourself, here’s what I’d recommend including:

  1. Band-aids in assorted sizes (make sure you have a few large ones just in case)
  2. An small tube of antibiotic cream like Polysporin
  3. Anti-bacterial wipes for your hands and airline seat area, you’ll want to wipe it all down when you board
  4. Pain reliever like Ibuprofin (Advil), Acetaminophen (Tylenol), or Midol
  5. Antihistamine cream like Benadryl
  6. A pair of tweezers (you should be permitted to have these in your carry-on)
  7. A small pair of scissors with a blade no more than 6cm long (this is usually the TSA restriction)
  8. Motion sickness medication like Gravol
  9. Any personal medications – double check that you have enough for your trip and a few days longer in case!
  10. A small roll of gauze and medical tape

2. A quart sized bag for liquids

On the topic of liquids, you’ll want to have a dedicated quart-sized bag for your liquid toiletries. You’ll need easy access to them when going through airport security. Of course this only applies if you haven’t packed your liquids in a checked bag. Since I’m part of the “carry-on only” club, I have this clear plastic pouch for my liquids so they can be easily checked over by TSA!

3. Copies of your passport and documents

While electronic copies of your travel docs have become the standard practice, having hard copies of your travel documents is also super important. I’d recommend having copies of your passport (in the event it gets lost – you can try to use the copy to speed along the process to replace it), your accommodation details and address to show to the customs agent, your return flight or onward travel proof, vaccination proof (if required), and any travel insurance documents.

Click here to shop my travel essentials!

4. A portable charger

While many flights have outlets now, having a portable charger can save the day if your flight doesn’t have one! It’s also just great to have in your personal bag throughout your trip. I’d recommend investing in one if you don’t have one already! I’ve been using this Anker charger for the last few years and it’s saved me from a lot of dead cell phone situations, let me tell ya!

5. Hydration products

Okay hear me out on this one. I’m not suggesting you do a full facial on the plane (although, no judgement if you do!), but the air in an aircraft can be extremely drying to your skin, so you’ll want to stay hydrated. I usually like to have lip balm and hand cream in my carry-on, as well as a small bit of face cream if I have room for it! I’m a long time fan of Burt’s Bees lip balm and the hand creams from Yves Rocher. I make sure to pack them in my carry-on whenever I travel.

6. An extra set of clothes

Story time! This one I had to learn the hard way. On my first trip to LA a few years ago, my checked baggage got lost (after having experienced 6 hours of delays). I ended up having to spend an entire 36 hours in the same clothes, and yes, that includes sleeping in them and wearing them the next day until my luggage showed up! I strongly recommend packing an extra set of clothes (comfy) in your carry-on for emergencies, and that includes (almost most importantly) underwear and extra socks. On the same trauma-remembering note, make sure your toothbrush and toothpaste is packed in your carry-on as well. Don’t be like me, be prepared and clean! (:

7. A refillable water bottle

Though you can’t bring a full water bottle through airport security, bring a refillable water bottle in your carry-on! You can fill it up once you’re past security at one of the airport’s fountains. You’ll be glad you did when you get thirsty on the plane and only get small cups of water once every few hours! There are a bunch of great refillable water bottle brands out there like S’Well and Welly, but you can also find some goos stainless steel ones at Canadian Tire (if you’re in Canada) or at Walmart!

8. A set of reusable utensils

While we’re on the topic of sustainability, there is SO much waste that comes from airline meals. Get yourself a set of reusable utensils. Get either bamboo or stainless steel ones and you’ll be helping to reduce waste right there during your flight! Having a set of utensils is also super handy while you’re travelling if you’re getting take out or picnicking, and we can all use more picnics in our lives, right?

9. A sleeping eye mask

If you’re not the best at sleeping on planes (me!), tucking a sleeping eye mask away in your carry-on is a must! Nothing is more annoying than wanting to (try to) nap on a flight and realizing that you’ve either forgotten one or left it in your checked baggage. We’re all about staying comfy in economy over here! You can grab an eye mask in all sorts of styles on Amazon, or if you want optimal comfort try this weighted eye mask!

10. Your valuables

This one is fairly common sense, but worth mentioning! It would be such a shame if your luggage were to get lost or damaged with your valuables inside, so if you can fit the items (and they’re permitted in a carry-on) be sure to pack them safely in your carry-on bag.

11. A pen

Last but I’m promise not least, make sure you pack a pen. I always have a few pens and a notebook with me, but if you’re not an obsessive note-taker in your every day life, having a reminder to bring a pen with you in your carry-on will be useful! Depending on where you’re flying to or from, you might need to fill out a customs declaration form on the plane. While there may be pens passed around by flight attendants, which has been rare in my experience, I find the idea of having to borrow a pen from a stranger unbearable so I would recommend throwing one in your carry-on in an easy-access spot!

Whether you’re a checked-luggage kind of traveller or you prefer sticking to only a carry-on, there are some things that you’ll feel SO much better if you have with you on the plane. Let me know if you have any must-packs in your carry-on and I’ll add them to the list!

Happy travels! – Amanda

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