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How To Travel To and Around Montreal During Covid

Hey traveller! Whether you’re a Montrealer, or you’re visiting (responsibly), I’ve created this guide for you to get the most out of your time in the city during Covid times.

**As a disclaimer, I want to make it clear that I believe that only those that absolutely need to travel should be travelling between provinces or countries at the moment. 

Now, let’s get into it.

City-wide Safety Precautions

The City of Montreal has imposed safety precautions to keep us safe, so be sure to prepare yourselves to follow these safety rules before you arrive, or before you leave your home if you’re a Montrealer. Stay up to date on Quebec’s safety precautions here.

  • Masks are mandatory throughout the city in all indoor public spaces.
  • Social distancing measures have been imposed city-wide. Be sure to stay aware of your surroundings and keep distance whenever necessary.
  • Cough and sneeze into your sleeve/elbow.
  • Wash your hands after coming into contact with others, and don’t touch your face!
  • A limit of 10 people in private gatherings is still in place, with a maximum of 3 households.
  • If you have any symptoms, stay home and alert everyone you’ve come into contact with in the last two weeks.

Transportation in Montreal

Montreal’s public transit system, the STM, has been running uninterrupted despite Covid, but there are new precautions that have been put in place.

  • Masks are mandatory on all public transportation in Montreal, and social distancing measures are still in place.
  • Try to take it during non-peak hours if possible, as it can be difficult to social distance in buses and metro trains.
  • Keep hand sanitizer on you and try to avoid touching any surfaces.
  • For ride-share transportation like Uber, be sure to adhere to the mandatory safety precautions listed in the app before getting into a vehicle. Drivers must check off a list to ensure their vehicles are safe, and passengers must do the same to confirm they are wearing a mask and have sanitized their hands.

What to do around Montreal

I believe it’s clear that the best activities to do around the city right now are outdoors. Here’s a list of activities to do around Montreal to enjoy the city and get out of the house.

Covid Travel Tips

  • Start a collection of masks, so you can alternate when one needs to be washed to ensure you always have one on you.
  • Keep sanitizer on you at all times. Bonus points if you can get your hands on antibacterial wipes for when you need to wipe down a surface.
  • Walk as much as possible, and if you must take public transportation, keep your distance, wear your mask, and sanitize before you enter and once you exit.
  • Avoid high traffic areas like tourist attractions, malls and restaurants during peak hours.
  • IF you are going to a restaurant (I still suggest take-out where possible!), do your research before going. Most restaurants will have their safety precautions laid out on their website, but make sure to scope it out before committing.
  • If you have to eat at a restaurant, once you decide where to sit DO NOT MOVE. The workers must completely sanitize every table once someone has come into contact with it. Choose carefully, commit to your seat, and TIP YOUR SERVER.
  • If you are staying at a hotel, choose carefully and be sure to review what safety precautions they are taking before booking!
  • Support local businesses whenever you can! Small shops, markets, small restaurants offering take-out, you get the idea.

Bottom line: be smart, take the necessary precautions and do your best to enjoy your time in Montreal safely. We’re all accountable for how we act, and have the responsibility to keep each other safe.


How are you keeping yourself and others safe, and enjoying your days in these times? Let me know in the comments below!


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