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What To Do In Montreal During Covid

A roundup of what you can do in Montreal during Covid times to enjoy the city and get out of the house!

So it’s not news that Covid-19 has completely changed the world and our way of life. With such a dangerous virus on the rise, and so many people having been impacted, these truly are scary and immeasurably difficult times.

Since we could all use some time out of our houses right now, safely, I’ve put together a list of what you can do in Montreal if you’re a local, or if you’re currently visiting (responsibly).

** I don’t believe travel should be taken lightly at the moment, and only those who absolutely need to travel should be doing so. **

Note: you must take the necessary safety precautions even if you’re exploring your hometown! Make sure you’re wearing your mask, social distancing and sanitizing before and after entering a public space (this goes for public transport and high traffic areas of the city as well!). It is also important to do your research and stay up to date with your city’s regulations and recommendations regarding Covid-19.

Now that we’re clear on that, here’s what you can currently do in Montreal to enjoy this lovely city!

1. Take a walk through Old Montreal and take in the history and architecture.

Old Montreal and the Old Port is one of my favourite areas in Montreal, and such a lovely place to take a long walk alone or with your quarantine buddy. There are SO many places to grab a take-out coffee or snack in the Old Port, so I’d suggest grabbing a cup of joe and walking along the port-side and taking in the views of the St-Lawrence river and all the boats and dream about life post-covid. My favourite cafes in the Old Port are Tommy Cafe, and Le Petit Dep, check ’em out!!

2. Visit Montreal’s Botanical Garden for a day in nature

Montreal’s Botanical Garden has 17 different thematic gardens, with plenty of opportunity to be surrounded by nature and to take a breather from the every-day stresses of life. They have several precautions put in place due to Covid, and space is limited so be sure to purchase your tickets online in advance, and check out their website here to familiarize yourself with their safety regulations. I also recommend going in the less crowded hours – so avoid the weekends and peak day time hours as it will be much more crowded!

3. Go see a movie at the new Royalmount Drive-in Theatre

Drive-in movie theatre

Okay so this is SUPER cool, and I’m shameless about my excitement for it. Due to Covid, our movie theatres have closed down temporarily (with good reason) so this new drive-in theatre located in Mount-Royal off the Decarie launched its summer season to host weekly film showings. How sweet is that!? I can see that the millennial in me is showing, but I don’t care, drive-ins are very cool to me, and are a great (and safe) activity to do in Montreal during Covid times. You can check out the upcoming Royalmount’s events here to plan your outing!

4. Walk through Mount Royal trails and get a beautiful view of Montreal’s skyline

Mount-Royal Park Montreal

One of the best places in the city to take a nature walk and get some great views of Montreal is Mount Royal. Mount Royal is a very popular spot in Montreal for locals and tourists alike, so definitely try to plan your visit during the weak or in the off hours so it’s not as crowded. There are several walking trails, which you can read up on here, and lots of places to stop for a quick packed snack. Make a day out of it, but be sure to bring your mask just in case (you should really have one on you at all times), social distance and sanitize when necessary!

5. Have a socially distanced picnic in one of Montreal’s many parks

Angrignon Park Montreal

While we’re on the topic of green spaces, Montreal has SO many different parks that are wonderful for picnicking, which is a dreamy summer activity, and moderately safe if you’re socially distancing. What I’ll say about this, however, is to scope out the area before settling in, and try to schedule your picnic during non-peak days and hours so you can be properly socially distanced from other groups. You can pack your own picnic, or you can get takeout from one of the city’s many local restaurants and have yourself a park feast!

6. Shop some local businesses at one of Montreal’s farmer’s markets

Atwater Market Montreal

Who doesn’t love a good farmer’s market, am I right?! Montreal’s two major markets, Atwater Market and the Jean-Talon Market are wonders to beheld, in my oh so humble opinion. There are SO many local merchants to support at either of these markets, and you can find anything from fresh produce, to baked goods, to preserves and cheeses. Doesn’t that sound dreamy?! Check out these markets online before visiting here, and be sure to prepare yourself to uphold the safety standards to protect yourself and others!!

7. Take a “Trail Through The Islands” from Parc Jean-Drapeau

So Parc Jean-Drapeau isn’t technically IN Montreal (it’s on St Helen’s Island right off of the Island of Montreal), but this trail is a VERY cool way to get your steps in and learn about the park and it’s historical significance. The trail spans 10km, and has more than 50 points of interest including gardens, sculptures and historic buildings. It’s a free activity, and open from 6am to 10pm. Check it out and plan your visit here!

I think it’s pretty clear that the best way to enjoy the city right now is to spend some time outside, and these unique Montreal activities are sure to brighten your spirits a bit while we navigate life in this new reality.

How are you enjoying your time in your city while staying safe right now? Let me know in the comments below!



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