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7 Not-To-Be-Missed Things To Do In Montreal

7 Not To Be Missed Montreal Treasures

Despite having a never-ending list of things I love about Montreal, I’ve managed to narrow down my list to these 7 Montreal treasures that you MUST do on your visit. Make sure to check these out on your visit, or make it a point to experience these if you’re a native Montrealer, you will not be disappointed!

I had to resist just putting restaurants and cafes on this list, because let’s face it, Montreal has ah-MAZING food and adorable cafes. A few of my favs managed to make it on this list, but the rest of my food and drink recos will be coming up in other posts in the Montreal Travel Collection.

Let’s get down to business!

1. Drogheria Fine

If you grab ONE quick eat in Montreal, make it from Drogheria Fine. They’re a home business that has a takeout counter and they sell THE best gnocchi I’ve ever experienced (yes, it’s an experience, don’t judge my enthusiasm). They only sell gnocchi, but let me tell ya, they do it RIGHT. Plus, the serving size is enormous and it’s only $5! FIVE DOLLARS! If you’re a Montrealer and you haven’t been to Drogheria Fine yet, get on it ASAP!

2. Montreal’s Old Port

One of my favourite areas of Montreal is the Old Port. There is SO much history and beautiful architecture in this area, PLUS the riverside view is so lovely. There are many places to grab a quick snack or coffee and take a walk through the cobblestone streets, taking in the views and feeling your jealousy build as you watch all the personal boats and yachts pull out of the port. I find it to be one of the more peaceful areas of the city, even when it’s relatively busy, so it’s a must-see if you’re coming to Montreal.

3. Bota Bota Spa

While we’re in the Old Port, be sure to make Bota Bota Spa a stop on your itinerary for a magically peaceful morning or afternoon. While it’s one of the more luxurious spas in the city, it’s pretty affordable if you plan your visit strategically. Bota Bota is, quite literally, a spa on a boat, docked on the St-Lawrence river. It’s incredibly zen, beautifully maintained, and offers amazing views of the Old Port of Montreal. They’ve reopened after being closed for several weeks due to Covid, but you must book your appointment in advance. Check out their procedures and safety precautions here!

4. Tommy Cafe

Remember me saying that some of my fav cafes and restos made it on the list? This is the one. Tommy Cafe is a beautifully designed cafe in the Old Port of Montreal, which delicious drink and snack options. They have fresh pastries, diverse drink options and quiche that is to DIE for, so they’ve made it on the must-do list! They are currently open for both takeout and in-cafe orders, so you can snap some pictures of their indoor greenery and the beautiful and historical architecture of the cafe.

5. Hike Up Mount Royal

Mount-Royal Park Montreal

One of the top things to see and do in Montreal that you’ll find on most lists is to visit Mount-Royal Park, and I’m with them on that. Since Covid hit, and most people have been spending their time outside, this attraction has certainly become even more popular than before. With that being said, if you’re going to visit Mount Royal for a hike to get those Montreal skyline views, try to schedule it during the week and not during peak hours.

Mount Royal has a few different trails, some a bit more strenuous than others, but I’d definitely recommend hiking up to the top to get those city views, and taking a trail that takes you through the more forest-y areas of the park, as these are often less crowded.

6. Atwater Market

If you know me, you know that I love a good market, and try to visit the local markets of wherever I’m travelling to. One of Montreal’s best markets is the Atwater Market. You’ll find everything here from fresh produce and baked goods, to artisanal cheeses and ready-to-eat snacks, all from local merchants. It’s located right next to the Lachine Canal so you can do some local shopping, grab a quick lunch, and have a relaxing afternoon by the water. What more could you ask for?

7. Botanical Garden

Truth time: I hesitated putting this one on the list, as it’s a much more touristy attraction in Montreal, and as a local, I like to show off the lesser-known gems in the city. However, I’m a sucker for a garden, and Montreal’s Botanical Garden hosts 17 different thematic gardens, and spans 75 hectares of green space, and is truly and honestly such a great experience. They currently have safety precautions and specific regulations due to Covid, so be sure to familiarize yourself with their policies before you visit! You can check out their updated policies and procedures here.

Whether you’re visiting Montreal for the first time or are a local, you’ll definitely enjoy these 7 Montreal treasures if you make them a part of your day!

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