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21 Feel-Good Movies to Feed Your Wanderlust in Quarantine


2020 is definitely not the year we thought it would be when we celebrated and rang in the new year last December 31st (and we thought 2019 was bad, big yikes).

As a travel blogger and travel lover, it’s been tough to see the travel industry plummet, and the world of travel be put on hold for the foreseeable future. Thankfully there are many things we can do right now to help inspire future travels and to feed our wanderlust! Check out my tips on feeding your travel bug during quarantine here!

I’ve put together a list of 21 feel-good movies with their featured destinations to inspire wanderlust and feed that travel bug that’s been begging for inspiration lately! Be warned, many of these are romcoms or “chick flicks” but they bring me joy and keep me travel-inspired, so I hope you enjoy them!


Cross Roads

Yes, that Crossroads. Hear me out! Although the acting from some characters leaves something to be desired (love you Brit), this movie is about a gang of girlfriends that decide to take a road trip across the country with a guy they don’t know to get their friend to LA. Is it cliche? Yes. Is it cringy at times? Absolutely, but it makes you want to be a free-spirited teen in the 90s and just take off to destinations unknown, which I think we all need a little of right now.

The Sweetest Thing

Surprisingly, I only saw this early 2000s movie this year (thanks Netflix), but holy smokes is it fun! Again, it’s about a group of girlfriends, Cameron Diaz, Christina Applegate and Selma Blair, three young adults living in San Francisco. Two of them decide to do a road trip to find a man they met at a bar…once…and it obviously goes awry. It’s definitely on the raunchy side, so definitely NOT kid-friendly, but if all you want right now is to jump in your car and head out on the open road with your girls, you’ll love this movie.

13 Going on 30

Arguably one of THE best romantic comedies to come out of the early 2000s, 13 Going on 30 is set in NYC and follows the life of Jenna Rink, who, at 13 wishes she was 30 (and flirty, and thriving) and gets her wish. Now big time magazine editor (and apparently a big “b word”), we see Jenna navigate her life in NYC, try win her childhood best friend’s affection and set her dream job in order. You get some great New York City shots, and feel like you’re on top of the world (cue The Pussycat Dolls). Go watch it!!

Sex and the City movie

Okay so, if you’ve never watched the Sex and the City tv series, or know absolutely nothing about it, you might be a little lost at the beginning of this movie. HOWEVER, Sex and the City’s first movie takes place in NYC (duh) and you get some great shots of the city. If you want long-term NYC vibes, though, I’d definitely recommend watching the series (it’s on the basic Crave!).


The Holiday

So I’m writing this in September, and though it’s (technically) a Christmas movie, I have the urge to watch this movie tonight. The Holiday, starring Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet, takes place in both England and Los Angeles, but I decided to place it the England category because Jude Law is also in the England parts…so…yeah. Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet’s characters are both facing turmoil in their personal lives, so they (as strangers) decide to “house swap” over Christmas to get away from their problems (which always works). It’s such a feel-good movie, and makes me hate winter a little less so it’s a TOP movie for me.

About Time

Starring Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson (Bill Weasley from the Harry Potter movies), About Time is a romantic movie about a lad who learns that he can travel in time (stay with me) and decides to time travel to win the girl of his dreams. Obviously things don’t go as planned (awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time, Bill…uh, I mean Domnhall), and drama ensues. It’s set in England, most of the shots coming from locations in London, and it’s so beautifully put together, you’ll be adding England to the places you want to visit after Covid, if it’s not already there!

Harry Potter series

Okay so even most of the Harry Potter movies take place in the wizarding world, which doesn’t have a geographical identity in our world, it all starts in England. There are shots of Scotland and Ireland as well, most of which you can actually visit! You don’t see a whole lot of actual England in the movies, but here and there there are really great scenes London scenes, and you still get a sense of “London” even when they’re in the wizarding world. If you’re looking to venture out to England in the future (or just need a 20 hour movie marathon of pure magic) definitely add the Harry Potter series to your travel inspo watch list!


Made of Honor

Who doesn’t love a Patrick Dempsey movie? Made of Honor is set partially in New York City, but the real fun parts take place in Dublin, Ireland. It’s the classic “boy and girl are best friends, boy doesn’t realize he loves girl until she plans to marry someone else” yada yada yada. However, if you like cliche romcoms and want to see some gorgeous shots of Ireland (and Patrick Dempsey) you should add Made of Honor to your to-watch list!

Ps. I Love You

This movie is one of my top ten favourite movies. I mean, I love a good love story, and the Ireland scenery in this movie is magnificent. Ps. I Love You starts in New York, but quickly shifts to Ireland when Holly’s (Hillary Swank) late husband sends her a note from beyond the grave, sending her and her two girlfriends to Ireland. If you haven’t seen it, it might sound ridiculous, but it’s actually a really beautiful movie.

Leap Year

Another romantic movie, what a surprise! For some reason love stories and Ireland just go so well together, and I’m here for it. Leap Year takes place in Dublin, and there are some beautiful Irish landscape moments. Amy Adams plays a woman who plans to propose to her boyfriend on February 29th in Dublin, but faces issues getting there (in the shape of a strapping Irishman named Delcan). You get to see different parts of Ireland in this movie, so if Ireland is on your wish list, definitely watch Leap Year.

Love, Rosie

Lily Collins is an absolute masterpiece. Facts. So is Sam Claflin, for that matter. Love, Rosie is an emotional rollercoaster to say the least, and the movie’s official setting is an unidentified English town even though it was filmed mostly in Ireland. Parts of the movie take place in Boston as well, so you get a bit of a double whammy of travel love. I’m writing this just as I’ve finished watching it for the first time, and it’s definitely made me want to visit small English and Irish towns in the future!


The Lizzie McGuire Movie

If you didn’t spend your childhood watching Lizzie McGuire, absolutely losing your mind when this movie came out, and making it your life’s goal to visit Rome, then you. Missed. Out. The feeling of boarding a plane for the first time and heading to a completely different country is one unmatched by most things, and The Lizzie McGuire Movie gives me that vibe every time I watch it! You see so much of Rome in this movie, so if an Italian trip is on your vision board, get some gelato and watch this!

Letters to Juliet

Set in Verona and other various Italian cities, Letters to Juliet is a lovely movie about lost loves and new beginnings. Amanda Seyfried plays Sophie, an aspiring journalist that takes a trip to Verona with her fiance, and while there, she discovers an old love letter stuck in a wall of Juliet’s house and writes back, hoping to reunite two lost loves. You get to see a lot of Verona in Letters to Juliet, as well as the Italian countryside, both of which are absolutely beautiful.

Under The Tuscan Sun

Have you ever wanted to just hop on a plane, buy a 300 year old dilapidated villa in a foreign country and start a new life? No? Just me? Well so did Diane Lane’s character, Frances. After a messy divorce, writer Frances is gifted a tour of Italy by her friend to get her out of her funk, and she decides to stay. She buys a 300 year old villa in Tuscany to rebuild and live in, and meets quirky residents and develops new relationships. This movie is so sweet, and while you see lots of Tuscany and other parts of Italy (what we’re here for), it’s also a tale of perseverance, love, and embracing new adventures.

When in Rome

So I might be biased, because I will love anything Kristen Bell does, but When In Rome is a fun romantic comedy with some great shots of the Roman streets and architecture. Kristen Bell plays Beth, who steals coins from a fountain of love and is met with an array of suitors determined to “woo” her. It’s obviously funny, but with a little romance thrown in for good measure When In Rome is a solid movie for good feels and travel inspiration!


The Cheetah Girls 2

“Say it loud and proud, girls, it’s cheetah-licious!”! The second movie in the Cheetah Girls trilogy takes the four Cheetah Girls to Barcelona for an amateur singing competition. You get to see famous sites like Barcelona’s Park Guell, Barcelona’s historic streets and some scenes by the seaside, all of white are pure magic. This was the movie that made me want to visit Barcelona and experience Spain, and I felt giddy when I finally did and realized that Raven Symone had walked…ahem “strutted” those same streets.

Murder Mystery

Now, I love a good murder mystery, and a murder mystery with Jennifer Anniston and Luke Evans set on a yacht in Monaco? Yes PLEASE. Murder Mystery  was filmed in various locations (Italy, Monaco and Spain), so I stuck it in the Spain category for simplicity. It’s no “Knives Out” (if you haven’t seen it, DO IT), but it’s a funny murder mystery with a lavish and beautiful setting. It definitely makes you wish you could hop on your own yacht and explore the streets of Monaco whenever you want, all while watching a murder mystery unfold, if you like that sort of thing!


Mamma Mia & Mamma Mia Here We Go Again

Without a doubt, the Mamma Mia movies are THE most feel-good movies that inspire travel if you’re into musicals. Set on an island in Greece, the Mamma Mia movies are upbeat, colourful and make you wish you owned a little hotel on a remote Greek island and could erupt into song with an ensemble whenever you wanted. The Greece shots were technically shot in Croatia, and the second movie is partially set in England, but you definitely get the “Greece” theme in both movies!

Czech Republic:

Last Holiday

This movie, in my opinion, is super underrated. First of all, it’s Queen Latifah. Second of all, it’s set in the Czech Republic in the most lavish hotel. Queen Latifah plays Marie, a department store employee in Louisiana that lives cautiously and frugally, until she’s told that she has three weeks to live and realizes that she hasn’t been living her life to the fullest. She cashes in her savings and heads to the Czech Republic to live like the richest of the rich, and let me tell ya, it’s really fun to watch! Even though most of us could never live like that, Last Holiday still gives you travel inspiration and gives you a great outlook on life at the same time. What more could you ask for?

Tropical Destination:

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Remember me saying I’d love anything that Kristen Bell did? Well Forgetting Sarah Marshall is no exception. A romantic comedy starring K Bell, Mila Kunis, Jason Segal and Russel Brand takes us to a resort in Hawaii, where Kristen Bell and Jason Segal (a couple newly split up) visit the same resort, unbeknownst to the other. Isn’t that always the way? Anyway, comedy and romance ensues, and this movie leaves you wanting to add a Hawaii island vacation to your future to-do list!

Couple’s Retreat

More Kristen Bell, you say? Ask and you shall receive! Couple’s Retreat is set on a resort in Bora Bora, and is about four couples who take a trip to the island together to rekindle the relationship of Kristen Bell and Jason Bateman at their request. Unbeknownst to the rest of the group, the vacation package is a couple’s therapy retreat…for all couples. Comedy and inciting actions ensue, but you do still get the resort vacation vibe, so definitely add Couple’s Retreat to your movie list if you’re craving a tropical resort vaca.

Have you seen these movies? Have one to add to the list? Comment below, let’s chat!!

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